Annual Reports
IWCA's 4th Annual Report marks a significant achievement; it’s 50 members account for 3.5% of global wine production.
50 IWCA wine producing members have made a commitment to reach Net Zero by 2050 and each company has set ambitious, science-based targets to calculate, account for and follow their path to reducing their carbon emissions at every stage of the winemaking process- All of our theirs acheivements and much more are included in the 2024 report.
You can read all about our progress and innovation here.
The 5 P's
As Official Partners of the United Nations Race to Zero IWCA and its members are committed to advocating for the 5P protocol.
IWCA and IWCA members work as a collaborative organization to promote their criteria to:
1. Pledge to carbon emission reduction
2. Plan the steps needed to reduce carbon emissions to the 2050 Net Zero target
3. Proceed with those plans
4. Publish and make public carbon emission plans
5. Persuade our peer group, governments and official organization, press and retailers to join the movement towards achieving Net Zero
To find out more about the 5 P Protocol download here.