Our Member Wineries
Climate Action, Powered by Wineries
IWCA is an organization driven by dozens of inspiring, innovative wineries across the globe.
Our members — wine producing companies big and small — are all committed to the same goals: reducing their greenhouse gas emissions, improving their land stewardship, protecting biodiversity, and being socially-responsible, locally-engaged businesses.
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Meet our Members & Applicants

Join our Movement
Are you a wine producing company that's passionate about sustainability?
Welcome to IWCA.
We are a community of peers who share similar values and are driven to do more. We're a working group at the leading edge of GHG emissions reduction in the wine sector. We're a collective, global voice for change that's recognized across our industry and beyond.

Membership Tiers
IWCA membership is multi-tiered and rigorously vetted to ensure that applicant members and members are held accountable to their commitments and demonstrate tangible progress towards carbon neutrality by 2050.
Applicant wineries are interested in becoming an IWCA member but have not yet fulfilled the greenhouse gas emissions inventory requirement.

Members at the silver level commit to becoming net zero by 2050 across Scopes 1-3 and have completed a minimum baseline third-party-verified greenhouse gas emissions inventory.

In addition to fulfilling Silver-level requirements, Gold-level members have winemaking operations powered by at least 20% onsite renewable energy and demonstrate a consistent reduction of emissions.
IWCA Micro-Wineries
We acknowledge that some small production wineries, while fully mission-aligned with IWCA’s intents and goals, may struggle to meet IWCA’s rigorous membership requirements due to capacity or budget constraints.
We believe their voices and actions against climate change remain key to our movement, even if barriers currently impede their ability to meet and maintain IWCA member status. For these wineries, we have created the IWCA Micro-Winery designation.