Familia Torres

IWCA Founding Member
I think it is great to see that more and more wineries are signing up to this initiative and committing to become Net Zero by 2050. My hope is that many more wineries will join IWCA and that also other sectors will begin or accelerate similar initiatives to implement carbon emissions reduction programs. It is clear that no one can afford a 'stand by and watch' attitude towards climate change anymore; immediate action is needed by everyone and everywhere! (Miguel A. Torres, Fourth Generation and President)
Familia Torres
Familia Torres founded its winery in Vilafranca del Penedès in 1870, but its roots in winegrowing date back to the 16th century. Familia Torres has a historical connection to Penedès, Conca de Barberà, Priorat, and Costers del Segre, but now its presence extends to vineyards and wineries in preeminent Spanish wine regions and in Chile and California. Every generation has passed on its passion for wine culture from parents to children, a passion built on a deep respect for the Earth and tradition, as well as a belief in innovation. Today the focus of the fifth generation is on making wines from exceptional vineyards and historical estates, as well as on recovering ancestral varieties as a way of adapting to climate change. Since 2008, Familia Torres has taken active steps to combat the climate emergency, implementing adaptation and mitigation measures to reduce its carbon emissions through its ambitious environmental program, Torres & Earth.